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In order to offer a complete overview of Animal Law, the course will focus on the following main issues: 

The actual legal status of animals in the Italy and in a comparative perspective as well as in EU regulation and international conventions 

This part serves as a general introduction describing the current position of animals in Italy, Spain, France and Germany. It consists in the following lectures:

  1. The Italian legislative framework and the Italian constitutional reform
  2. Comparison with other legal systems: France
  3. Comparison with other legal systems: Spain
  4. Comparison with other legal systems: Switzerland
  5. The current regulatory European framework and EU legislative initiative
  6. Animal law and policy developments in EU

Criminal laws protecting animals

This part is dedicated to explore the interrelation between criminal law and animal protection as well as on the bodies active in the field of animal of animal protection:

  1. Crimes against animal
  2. The protection of animals between special laws and criminal law

Animal welfare in food and agricultural law, tourism and textile production

This part will intend to give a scientific evaluation of the approach to animal welfare in relation to industrial activities in food, tourism and textile sectors, as well as with reference to animal testing. In this module, some lessons will be dedicated to areas other than the law as it seems essential to have a basic interdisciplinary approach for the understanding of the underlying topics:

  1. Animal welfare and sustainability: a comparative overview
  2. Animal welfare and sustainable tourism
  3. Animal welfare impact on the fashion and textile production system
  4. Animal welfare and animal testing
  5. Ethological issues concerning animal welfare
  6. Human-Non human animal relation in psychological perspective

Duties and liabilities of animals’ owners.  animal law and sustainability issue

The last part will address the issue related to the position of animals as family members, as well as to issues strictly related to private law matters, i.e. liability, family issues concerning animals. It consists in the following lectures:

  1. Companion and family animals
  2. Duties and liabilities of animals’ owners
  3. Animals and family controversies and issues


March 1, 2024

The Dissemination of Animal Law – Guest: Prof. Dr. Federico Delpane, Dr. Maria Baideldinova – KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

March 4, 2024

The Legal Status of Animals in France and in Argentina – Guests: Prof. Dr. Caroline Regad and Prof Dr. Cedric Riot, University of Toulon; Dr. Silvina Pezzetta, Animal Law and Animal Ethics Researcher at CONICET

March 8, 2024

Animals in International Law – Guests: Prof. Dr. Anne Peters, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Heidelberg (Germany)

March 15, 2024

The Current Regulatory European Framework and EU Legislative Initiative Guest: Prof. Dr. Alice Di Concetto, University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne

March 18, 2024

The Legal Status of Animals and Animal Welfare Law in Switzerland – Swiss Animal Experimentation Law and Swiss National Research Program 79 Guests: Dr. iur. Nicole Luthi; Dr. iur. Katerina Stoykova